Good Life

Using Affirmations to Form Good Habits

Have you ever struggled to form a new habit? If so you are not alone, most people struggle with this on a regular basis. When it comes to forming a habit you really need to have a positive mindset. You have to be open to allowing yourself to make changes. Yes, this isn’t as always easy as it sounds.

One thing that can help you with this is using affirmations to form good habits. An affirmation is a short sentence or two that helps to reinforce positive thoughts. Here’s a few examples.

  • I respect by body and treat it well by eating as many healthy and natural foods as possible.
  • I appreciate my money and use it to pay my bills and to provide shelter for my family.
  • I appreciate my friends and family and treat them with respect.

So why would you want to start using affirmations? A good example is if you find that you are a spur of the minute spender. When you see something you like you simply charge it to your credit card. Later on you may regret your purchase but you cannot return the item.

By using a money related affirmation you will start to be more aware of how and where you are spending your money. Think about having to provide a home for your family, and putting food on the table instead. When you begin to value your money for those you love, you can reduce and eventually eliminate your bad spending habits.

Now this is not a quick fix at all. You still need to make good choices and have the willpower and determination to stick to your new habit. But if you start saying affirmations twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, they will help you keep positive.

Bad habits can destroy your life, so it is worth taking the time to break them and replace them with new ones. Again with the money example, what would happen if you are spending your mortgage money on your whims? You will probably end up losing your home and possibly your family too. Would that be worth it?

By taking the time to work on improving your outlook on your life with affirmations, you can make huge positive changes. Think how great it will be when you have enough money to take your family on that wonderful vacation?

Go find some affirmations that hold meaning for you, and start saying them to yourself at least twice a day.

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