Stick to It – 10 Fast Hacks to Help You Reach Your Goals

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I’m so excited to be partnering with the awesome Connie Ragen Green on this potentially life changing course. Learn how to turn YOUR knowledge into income. Sign up at

How we think determines how we live, so it makes sense that changing how we think has the power to change how we live. If you improve how you think,…

Everyone can benefit from coaching. There’s no need learn everything the hard way when there are qualified people ready, willing, and able to coach you. Getting excited about coaching is…

Do you ever feel like you could use a little help sometimes? Then maybe you should consider hiring a coach. Most people think of coaches as it relates to sports….

Win in Your Work and Personal Life Every Day There are a lot of of books that can teach you how to have a productive day. Many of these are…

Stress is a killer. It can lead to inflammation throughout your body, triggering the onset of a number of undesirable health conditions. It also attacks your emotions and mind, which can lead to neurological disorders, emotional eating, detachment from friends and family, anxiety and depression.

Unfortunately, stress happens to everyone. That means you need to know how to deal with stress effectively.

You want to have and experience confidence, just as much as anyone else does. However, it is also easy to trick yourself into believing that confidence is only for the…

It might seem strange that a life and business coach would publish an article on how to be your own coach. But change has to start with you, whether you…

When it comes to having success in business, it might well be that your mindset has more to do with your success or failure than you realize. You also may…

Many writers, preachers, and academics have touted the power of thinking positively. There is a giant industry built around self-help books and videos designed to teach us how to overcome…