stick to it

08 – Time To Get Accountable

I’m sure it’s happened to all of us. We set goals with the best of intentions. We make a goal (or two or three) and everything is going splendidly. We’ve got this and it seems easy. We’re going to the gym, we’re eating healthier and living more frugally to finally pay off that credit card.

A couple of weeks go by and we’re ready to back out on our goals because it’s just too hard to give up pizza, work out every day and not go shopping anymore. We’re ready to call it quits. And usually that’s exactly what most of us do.

Let’s make this time different. It’s time to stick to and reach our goals. And the best way to do that is to add some accountability

Be Accountable To Yourself

Start by being accountable to yourself. Write down your goals. Then keep track of how you’re doing. You may want to keep a journal, or keep a daily to-do list and check things like drinking water or working out as you get them done.

Find An Accountability Buddy

Having someone with the same or similar goals to talk to can be very motivating. Find someone to become your accountability buddy. You can cheer each other on, share tips and check in to make sure you’re both still on track.

If you can’t find a local friend to join you, consider looking for your “buddy” online. There are forums and groups for all sorts of topics and you’re sure to find the right person to help you stay on track.

Be Accountable To Family And Friends

Another great option is to share your resolution and intention with loved ones. Let them know you’re trying to work out each week, train for a marathon, quit smoking or lose 35 pounds by summer break.

Getting it out there and feeling like you’d let your loved ones down if you give up will often be enough to keep you going. Plus they might become your biggest cheerleaders helping you celebrate each small success along the way.

Be Bold And Make A Public Statement

If you’re feeling brave or want that extra boost of accountability, be bold and make a public statement. Take to your favorite social media outlet and announce to the world at large what you plan to do. As your readers, follower or friends to check in with you periodically to see how you’re doing.

What are you going to do to become accountable? Pick one or several of the ideas above and get to work. You’ll be amazed how well this accountability thing works to keep you going.

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