
Spring is on its way!

Spring is on its wayHooray! As of February 4, winter is officially half over and spring is on its way!

The days here are already getting longer. Soon we will be moving our clocks ahead and sacrificing our annual hour of sleep to Daylight Savings Time.

Now, please don’t get me wrong. I love winter. I am a Canadian, so I am used to cold, snow, ice, and dressing for the weather.

I love the cool, blue light that reflects off the snow on a sunny day.

I love how beautiful the snow can make a dead autumn landscape.

I love winter clothing. The cozy sweaters, the warm scarves, the multiple layers that can be fun to put together and accessorize….

But this year’s winter has been exceptionally harsh. Water pipes have frozen in people’s houses, water mains have broken under the roads, and nasty driving conditions have caused a multitude of accidents in my part of the world.

Soon we will be moving our clocks ahead and sacrificing our annual hour of sleep to Daylight Savings Time.

So I am ready and eager for spring to come. I can’t wait to smell the earth as I plant my garden, and harvest those first few radishes and raspberries.

Bring on the daffodils, crocuses, and tulips! Spring is on its way!