Good Life,  Rebuild Your Life

New Year – New Life

I have a plaque hanging over my kitchen sink that says, “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.”

When I first started seeing that saying on posters, in ads, etc. I was a little mystified. Isn’t that stating the obvious?

But now that I am older I realize just how important it is to keep in mind the notion that each day is indeed a fresh start.

Yesterday might have been filled with disappointments and failures, but it is over and done with.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Determine to make it better than yesterday.

New Year – New Life

We feel this sentiment especially keenly as the calendar turns over to a new year. New year – new life.

Whether we make formal resolutions or not – I have given up on the idea – we still start off with a sense that we want things to be better in the new year.

So, what are you going to do differently? How will this year be better than the year before?

I start my planning in December. Some things I am able to follow through on, others not so much.

But I am always thankful for the notion, artificial though it may be, that I can start over again in the new year.

Consider it a fresh start for your life. Decide today how things will be better for you.

I’m here to help. I’ve got a lineup of great new articles and lots of ideas and encouragement that I’m sending your way.

New Year – New Life.
Make this your best year ever!