Good Life

Learn How to Drown Out Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts can make it seem impossible for you to create a successful business – and life – for yourself. It can be difficult to drown out negative thoughts that hinder your success, but there are some ways to calm a racing mind and stop the flow of negativity that threatens to bring you down.

Quiet Meditation

Perhaps you just need some quiet time – time for yourself to ruminate on the positive things you’ve accomplished. Meditation is one way to achieve the quiet time you need to get your thoughts under control.

Whether you spend your quiet time in the forest, next to a babbling brook or in a quiet place in your home with the television and other devices turned off, the rest you’ve created can be a catalyst for more creative and positive thought patterns.

When you’re meditating, you may want to try positive affirmations as a way to quiet your brain and push out negative thoughts and feelings. An affirmation can be as simple as repeating to yourself that you’re stronger than all of the negative thoughts that come your way and that you can and will overcome them.


Journaling is also a good way to get your negative thoughts out of your mind, onto pen and paper and see them for what they are. Journaling lets you get and keep in touch with your deeper inner self and create an awareness that you haven’t experienced before.

It’s a fact that writing is an exercise that seems to reinforce and help you understand things better than typing or even speaking. Journaling helps you work out problems that may have cluttered your thinking in the past.

Reinforcing the positive messages you receive from yourself or others is an important and viable way to drown out negative thoughts. The above methods of affirmations, meditation and journaling are valuable tools to ensure that negative thoughts and feelings don’t remain in your life and that you can continue progressing to a more positive inner state of mind.

Good Company

When weeding negative thoughts out of your life, make sure you surround yourself with positive people whenever you can. It’s easy to be influenced by people who always spout negativity and seem to want everyone around them to feel the same way.

Of course, it’s impossible to feel upbeat all the time. Life is sure to get you down once in awhile. But that makes it all the more essential to find a way that works for you to silence the negativity that can keep you from your best life.

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Learn How to Drown Out Negative Thoughts