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    Inspirational Graphics for Your Blog and Social Media

    We all understand the importance of building your brand on social media. But how can you hope to get noticed in the flood of tweets, posts, and messages that are flooding the internet every day? The best way to stand out is by using eye-catching graphics that are both memorable and meaningful to your audience. To help you reach out to your target audience, I’ve released a PLR pack of 32 images that you can brand with your logo or website and share on the web, either on your own website or through social media. Use these attention-getting inspirational graphics to drive people to your website and your offer! All…

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    Identifying Stress in Your Life – Signs and Symptoms

    It may not seem like something you’d have to work to identify, but stress can actually be subtle. It is especially important to learn the signs and symptoms of stress in children, since adults often assume children’s behavior is simply a discipline issue. Here are some of the signs and symptoms you can look for to identify stress in your life, and in the lives of those you know. Depression Depression is complex, but it is often a symptom of unresolved, unrelieved stress. Excessive stress can make you feel unaccomplished – there’s just too much to do – and that can result in feelings of worthlessness. Also, since stress can…

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    How to Set and Achieve Business Goals

    It’s important to have real, specific goals in your business. These goals can be financial, personal, or simply involve an aspect of your business (“build an effective website” for example). It can sometimes seem overwhelming to determine goals, and even more overwhelming to think of achieving them. Here are some tips on doing both of these. Set Your Goals How do you set business goals, anyway? As you sit down to determine your goals, here are some things to keep in mind that may help. Money – How much money do you need? Have a number here – $1500 a month? $500 a week? $50,000 a year? Financial goals are…

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    Building Confidence in Business

    Do you sometimes feel like you just don’t have the bold confidence necessary to succeed in business? Maybe you need a boost in your business confidence, or maybe you are just getting started and need some extra confidence to take that first step. Here are some tips for building confidence in business. Get Educated One of the most important confidence-builders is knowing that you know what you know! You may have a lot of great business ideas but you don’t have the know-how to make it happen. Educate yourself about how to market your product or service – what is your competition? How can you reach your demographic? What kinds…

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    Mindsets that Lead to Low Self-Confidence and How to Change Them

    If you suffer from low self-confidence, you might be stuck in some negative mindsets that are affecting the way you think about yourself and, ultimately, your self-esteem. Negative mindsets tend to have a lot of “always” or “never” talk, creating a sense of entrapment and hopelessness. Here are some examples of negative mindsets that can lead to low confidence. “I will never get it right.” Thinking this way can keep you from trying again, or even trying something for the first time. It makes it only too easy to give up. “Nobody understands what this is like.” When you lack self-confidence, a lot of times you assume that everyone else…