Good Looks,  Personal

Beauty is not about how you look

Beauty is not about how you look. Beauty is about how you feel, and how you project yourself to the world.

You might think that beauty starts with the right hair style, or the right clothes, or a really great mascara. Nope.

Maybe you think that beauty starts and ends in the eye of the beholder. Wrong again.

Your beauty begins between your ears, in your own mind, your thoughts, and your attitude toward yourself.

Beauty is as Beauty thinks

While it is true that “Beauty is as Beauty does,” it is also true that Beauty is as Beauty thinks.

Shakespeare’s Hamlet says, “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” Thinking is also how we define ourselves as beautiful or not so beautiful.

Some women, because of unfortunate events in their past, have a hard time seeing their own beauty. If this is you, you will certainly be asking, “So, how do you get to where you see yourself as beautiful? Or more to the point, how can I get to where I see myself as beautiful?”

Recognize your own beauty

For me, it was a long journey. I spent most of my life believing I was ugly. It took me until my forties to finally start feeling good about myself.

My biggest ally throughout my change of attitude was my daughter, Lisa. She believed in me when I didn’t, and honestly couldn’t, believe in myself.

She also is not afraid to tell me when something I wear isn’t flattering. This is how I know she speaks the truth when she says I look good.

Every woman is beautiful

I believe that every woman is beautiful. We are all made in the image of God, and there is nothing ugly about that.

When you can acknowledge that you are truly beautiful, you whole world changes. You will stand differently, walk differently, and carry yourself with confidence as you move through your life.

Believe me, other people will see this and begin to acknowledge your beauty, too.

Your beauty begins between your ears, in your own mind, your thoughts, and your attitude toward yourself.

Your attitude affects your actions

When you see yourself as beautiful, you realize that it is important to take care of your body by eating well, exercising a reasonable amount, and getting enough sleep to stay healthy.

When you can find beauty in the mirror, you will be less likely to wear unflattering clothing. You will see what looks good and what doesn’t, and always choose in favour of looking your best.

Changing your attitude toward yourself will change everything you do.

You are beautiful

You are beautiful. Acknowledge it. Own it. Rock it. Every day.

Beauty is not about how you look. It begins with how you think and feel about yourself.

When you can come to the point where you see, and believe in, your own beauty, the world will also see it and take notice.

You are beautiful. Acknowledge it. Own it. Rock it. Every day.

beauty is not about how you look